import pylab from pylab import * rcParams.update({'font.size':15})
tight layout if the text or edges of the figure are covered
turn grid and minorticks on
1 2 3 4 5
pylab.grid('on') pylab.minorticks_on() # adjust the marker size of major and minor label ticks pylab.tick_params(which='major',labelsize=15,width=2,length=10,color='black') pylab.tick_params(which='minor',width=1,length=5)
colormaps in pylab [5]
In python pylab module, you can choose many colormaps. Such as: ‘jet’, ‘hsv’, ‘pink’, ‘copper’, etc.
set axis as log scale [6]
line and marker style setting
set marker size [7]
set tick and label value formate [9]
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from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x1, y1) ax = matplotlib.pyplot.gca() # set x axis as float format with 2 order after decimal point ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) 3 set y axis as round format ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) # set x axis as scitific formate for 1e-9 ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x1, pos: ('%.1f')%(x1*1e9))) ax.set_ylabel('microseconds (1E-9)') # other method to set tick format # ax.plt.ticklabel_format(axis='x', style='sci', scilimits=(-1,1)) # plt.ticklabel_format(axis='x', style='plain')
set colorbar tick format [10]
matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar(format = '%.1f')
multiple subplot
The combination process of multiple subplot can be understood with the help of the above figure.
This is a simple scirpt to show the toroidal mode structure of an MHD mode. The option interpolation = ‘gaussian’ controls whether to make smooth to the contourf plot, transformation between color region.
The set of new_range is key to the limit of colormap, it will reset the colorbar within this range. The data value outside this range will be set to white on the colormap by as default. If this value is set as a scalar value N, it will dense the data by N times.