Here summarize some orbits of motion that I encountered in life experience.

Orbit of double encircling motion

On Feb 28th, I met a problem in a chat group that why any point on a ball encircling a larger ball with half radius has an orbit of a straight line. After some calculation, I find this kind of complex motion can be explained with a super position of two circling motions as the above this shows:

Supper position of two circling motions

As this figure shows, a small circle of radius r is circling around the larger circle with radius R=2rR = 2r on the outer side. However, strange thing happens as the point A on the small circle moving in a straight line along AA’, when the smaller circle is encircling the larger circle.

r=R/2r = R/2

A simpler relation can be draw from this motion that the length of curve lAB=Rθ=RΩt=rϕ=rωtl_{AB} = R\theta = R\Omega t = r\phi = r\omega t, thus we have the relation between two angular velocity as: ωΩ=Rr=2\frac{\omega}{\Omega} = \frac{R}{r} = 2. However, if we look from the coordinate xyx'y', we can find that the angular velocity of the small circle is only half that of the original value as: ω=12ω=Ω\omega' = \frac{1}{2}\omega = \Omega. And we know that only two parallel coordinates could be add up directly. Thus we can split the motion of point A on the small circle in two parts.

The first is the motion of the center of the small circle P(X,Y)P(X,Y), taking the center of the larger circle O as the start point. The orbit equation is:

X=rcos(Ωt)Y=rsin(Ωt)\begin{array}{l} X = r cos(\Omega t)\\ Y = r sin(\Omega t) \end{array}

Second is the motion of the point A(xA,yA)A(x_A, y_A) around the small circle heat P(X,Y)P(X, Y). Suppose the relative position of point A in the xyx'y' coordinates is A(x,y)A(x', y'), then we have:

x=rcos(ωt)y=rsin(ωt)\begin{array}{l} x' = r cos(-\omega' t)\\ y' = r sin(-\omega' t) \end{array}

Notice that the two circular motions are moving in the opposite direction, thus the two their angular velocity is different in sign (one positive, one negative). Where ω=12ω=Ω\omega' = \frac{1}{2}\omega = \Omega, then the real motion of point A(x, y) in the ‘xy’ coordinates is the super position of the two motions as:

x=X+x=rcos(Ωt)+rcos(ωt)=Rcos(Ωt)y=Y+y=rsin(Ωt)+rsin(ωt)=0\begin{array}{l} x = X + x' = r cos(\Omega t) + r cos(-\omega' t) = R cos(\Omega t)\\ y = Y + y' = r sin(\Omega t) + r sin(-\omega' t) = 0 \end{array}

From this relation we can clearly see that the point A(x, y) is moving on the x axis in a straight line.

If the radius of the small ball is not half of the radius of the larger ball. The trajectory of a point on the small ball will not be a straight line. There are two cases. However the angular velocity in the xyx'y' will be the same:

r<R/2r < R/2

In this case, the motion equation becomes:

x=X+x=(R/2+r)cos(Ωt)y=Y+y=(R/2r)sin(Ωt)\begin{array}{l} x = X + x' = (R/2 + r)cos(\Omega t)\\ y = Y + y' = (R/2 - r)sin(\Omega t) \end{array}

This the parameter equation of the ellipse x2(R/2+r)2+y2(R/2r)2=1\frac{x^2}{(R/2 + r)^2 } + \frac{y^2}{(R/2 - r)^2} = 1

r>R/2r > R/2

In this case, R/2r<0R/2 - r < 0. However, it can be easily seen that the orbit equation in the case has the same expression as the case for r<R/2r < R/2. Which is: x2(r+R/2)2+y2(rR/2)2=1\frac{x^2}{(r + R/2)^2 } + \frac{y^2}{(r - R/2)^2} = 1.