The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is the basis for the learning of English. Only by mastering it will you be able to pronounce correctly for the unknown words.

History of IPA

However, there are several systems of IPA symbols as well as pronunciation rules. In the Chinese English teaching system, there are 48 syllables with 20 vowels and 28 consonants [1]. While in the most recent English dictionary, eg. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, as well as Oxford English Dictionary, there are only 44 syllables with 20 vowels and 24 consonants [2]. Besides that, there are two systems of English IPA symbols. One is Jones’ version, the other is the K.K version. In the old English dictionaries and text books, Jones’ 13 th version is used. For the new versions of dictionaries and text books, Jones’ 14 th version is often used.

IPA versions

Chinese English IPA version (48 = 20 + 28)

In the Chinese version of English phonetic alphabet teaching, there are 48 = 20 vowels + 28 consonants.

International English IPA version (44 = 20+ 24)

While in the International English phonetic alphabet teaching, (Oxford dic), there are 44 = 20 vowels + 24 consonants.

My suggestion

In my opinion, the Chinese English teaching system with 48 syllables in Jones’ 14th version is the best learning choice. Because most new text books and dictionaries use Jones’ 14th IPA version. The complete 48 syllables in Chinese teaching method enables most students to pronounce any unknown word correctly.

IPA Chinese English teaching version


[1] 英语国际音标,刘家丰,栾玉芹,方圆电子音像出版社, 2001.

[2] Oxford intemediate learner’s dictionary (En/Ch), 1998 version. The commercial press and Oxford university press.