Here we make some introduction to the most fundermental operation in bash script, which will greatly enhance you experience and efficience in linux/unix-like maachines.


Enable syntax highlight in bash

To be able to tell a difference of files and folders, you can set the bash environment to highlight them [1]. You just need to edit you .bash_profile and add the following commond.

vi ~/.bash_profile
export CLICOLOR=1

After that you can enable the setting by: ‘source ~/.bash_profile’

Move curse faster

To move your cursor faster, you do follow these options:

  • “Ctrl” + “a”: move cursor ahead the line
  • “Ctrl” + “e”: move cursor to the end of a line

Undo and Redo

  • “Ctrl” + “+”: Redo
  • “Ctrl” + “-”: Undo

