Recently a problem puzzles me, since I need to insert some Chinese characters in my beamer report. I finally find a way out to solve this problem with ease. This method also applies to Japanese and Korean input, since the ctex package has support for the other two East Asian languages by default. To do this, you can just include a new package called ctex.
ctex package
1 | \documentclass{beamer} |
ctexart documentclass
There is also a Chinese specialized document type called “ctexart”. However, it is a document type, so if you just wish to use beamer document type, you can not define another ctexart type for one document. Thus you must insert Chinese using a new package but the document class.
1 | \documentclass[UTF8]{ctexart} |
When you are writing a scientific document, do you only know MicroSoft Word? No, MS Word is not the only choice, you can actually use latex to write beautiful beamer report, article and even conference poster.